News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Will SCOTUS tell Congress to decide who wins the election?
Emmy-winning TV host and political reporter Rita Cosby strongly believes that the Supreme Court will end up having the final say as to what becomes of the 2020 presidential election, particularly as it pertains to the situation in Pennsylvania. And our guess is that SCOTUS will ultimately defer to Congress, which will then be tasked […]
By Ethan Huff
Hand recounts begin, hundreds of thousands of phony ballots to be discarded
Joe Biden called an early lid on Nov. 11, probably because he is starting to realize that he is not the legitimate president-elect, despite media claims to the contrary. As the lawsuits move forward, and several states announce hand recounts of their ballots, the writing is already on the wall to suggest that President Trump […]
By Ethan Huff
Mass voter fraud occurred in Detroit, new lawsuit alleges
The state of Michigan more than likely would have gone to President Trump had there not been widespread voter fraud in the City of Detroit, a new lawsuit would seem to suggest. Jessy Jacob, “an employee for the City of Detroit for decades,” according to a signed affidavit, says she was told by her supervisor […]
By Ethan Huff
Nancy Pelosi plotting for Democrat-dominated House of Representatives to select next president
In the event that neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden wins a majority in the Electoral College, the House of Representatives would be tasked with selecting the next president, a scenario that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca.) is gunning for in the Democrats’ latest scheme to steal the White House. Speaking to her […]
By Ethan Huff
Cognitively impaired Biden refuses to release names of his Supreme Court nominees
Following the recent death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the political sphere has been abuzz with speculation about who might be nominated to replace her, either immediately by President Trump or later on with Joe Biden potentially at the helm. But Biden has indicated that he will not be releasing the names of any of his […]
By Ethan Huff
DeSantis proposes new law allowing drivers of vehicles to escape violent mobs, without the legal liability for having to run people over
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has introduced new legislation that, if passed, would remove liability for injury or death when a driver “fleeing for safety from a mob” runs over “protesters” with a vehicle. Known as the “Combatting Violence, Disorder and Looting and Law Enforcement Protection Act,” DeSantis’ bill would not only legalize plowing over protesters who […]
By Ethan Huff
Zuckerberg says election taking additional days or “even weeks” is no big deal, providing cover for post-election CHEATING by Dems
Should it take days or “even weeks” to tabulate all the votes in the upcoming presidential election, Americans should not be at all concerned, according to Mark Zuckerberg. The Facebook co-founder told Axios the other day that there is “nothing illegitimate” about the election results not being determined until December or even later because it […]
By Ethan Huff
CBS experiment proves that mail-in ballots are rife with fraud
President Donald Trump has been warning about how mail-in ballots are a recipe for disaster, only to be lambasted by the left for supposedly trying to “tamper” with what is quickly shaping up to be a modified 2020 election process. But CBS recently conducted its own investigation into the legitimacy of mail-in ballots, revealing that […]
By Ethan Huff
Establishment Republican and neocon anti-Trumper Rick Wilson calls for “anti-vaxxers” to be placed into re-education camps
In response to a vaccine industry propaganda piece recently published by NBC News, Rick Wilson, a Trump-hating member of the establishment Republican party, tweeted about how parents who oppose vaccination for their children should be sent to re-education camps. A throwback to Nazi Germany, Wilson declared “anti-vaxxers” a “scourge” on society, and demanded that all […]
By Ethan Huff
After swearing off “corporate money” during campaign, anti-gun Democratic Senate candidate for Arizona Mark Kelly exposed for taking cash from Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Wall Street
Democrats love to talk a big game about how they’re supposedly the party that’s free from corporate influence, working solely on behalf of “the people” as opposed to multinational corporations. But as a new investigative report by The Intercept reveals, it’s more often than not just a bunch of political smoke and mirrors by Leftists […]
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